[return to app]1
2 /**
3 * Internationalization
4 *
5 * This is CakePHP's i18n class updated to PHP5 syntax for Vork
6 *
7 * CakePHP(tm) : Rapid Development Framework (http://cakephp.org)
8 * Copyright 2005-2010, Cake Software Foundation, Inc. (http://cakefoundation.org)
9 *
10 * Licensed under The MIT License
11 * Redistributions of files must retain the above copyright notice.
12 *
13 * @copyright Copyright 2005-2010, Cake Software Foundation, Inc. (http://cakefoundation.org)
14 * @link http://cakephp.org CakePHP(tm) Project
15 * @package cake
16 * @subpackage cake.cake.libs
17 * @since CakePHP(tm) v
18 * @license MIT License (http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php)
19 */
21 /**
22 * I18n handles translation of Text and time format strings.
23 *
24 * @package cake
25 * @subpackage cake.cake.libs
26 */
27 class i18nComponent {
28 /**
29 * Instance of the I10n class for localization
30 *
31 * @var I10n
32 * @access public
33 */
34 public $l10n = null;
37 /**
38 * Current domain of translation
39 *
40 * @var string
41 * @access public
42 */
43 public $domain = null;
45 /**
46 * Current category of translation
47 *
48 * @var string
49 * @access public
50 */
51 public $category = 'LC_MESSAGES';
53 /**
54 * List of search directories to text domains
55 *
56 * @var array
57 * @access public
58 */
59 public $searchPaths = array();
61 /**
62 * Current language used for translations
63 *
64 * @var string
65 * @access private
66 */
67 protected $_lang = null;
69 /**
70 * Translation strings for a specific domain read from the .mo or .po files
71 *
72 * @var array
73 * @access private
74 */
75 protected $_domains = array();
77 /**
78 * Set to true when I18N::_bindTextDomain() is called for the first time.
79 * If a translation file is found it is set to false again
80 *
81 * @var boolean
82 * @access private
83 */
84 protected $_noLocale = false;
86 /**
87 * Set to true when I18N::_bindTextDomain() is called for the first time.
88 * If a translation file is found it is set to false again
89 *
90 * @var array
91 * @access private
92 */
93 protected $_categories = array(
95 );
98 public function __construct(){
99 $this->l10n = get::component('l10n');
100 }
103 /**
104 * Used by the translation functions in basics.php
105 * Can also be used like I18n::translate(); but only if the App::import('I18n'); has been used to load the
106 *
107 * @param string $singular String to translate
108 * @param string $plural Plural string (if any)
109 * @param string $domain Domain The domain of the translation. Domains are often used by plugin translations
110 * @param string $category Category The integer value of the category to use.
111 * @param integer $count Count Count is used with $plural to choose the correct plural form.
112 * @return string translated string.
113 * @access public
114 */
115 public function translate($singular, $plural = null, $domain = null, $category = 6, $count = null) {
116 if (strpos($singular, "\r\n") !== false) {
117 $singular = str_replace("\r\n", "\n", $singular);
118 }
119 if ($plural !== null && strpos($plural, "\r\n") !== false) {
120 $plural = str_replace("\r\n", "\n", $plural);
121 }
123 if (is_numeric($category)) {
124 $this->category = $this->_categories[$category];
125 }
127 if (!empty($_SESSION['Config']['language'])) {
128 $language = $_SESSION['Config']['language'];
129 }
131 if (($this->_lang && $this->_lang !== $language) || !$this->_lang) {
132 $lang = $this->l10n->get();
133 $this->_lang = $lang;
134 }
136 if (is_null($domain)) {
137 $domain = 'default';
138 }
140 $this->domain = $domain . '_' . $this->l10n->lang;
141 $this->_bindTextDomain($domain);
143 if ($this->category == 'LC_TIME') {
144 return $this->_translateTime($singular, $domain);
145 }
147 if (!isset($count)) {
148 $plurals = 0;
149 } elseif (!empty($this->_domains[$domain][$this->_lang][$this->category]["%plural-c"])
150 && $this->_noLocale === false) {
151 $header = $this->_domains[$domain][$this->_lang][$this->category]["%plural-c"];
152 $plurals = $this->_pluralGuess($header, $count);
153 } else {
154 if ($count != 1) {
155 $plurals = 1;
156 } else {
157 $plurals = 0;
158 }
159 }
161 if (!empty($this->_domains[$domain][$this->_lang][$this->category][$singular])) {
162 if (($trans = $this->_domains[$domain][$this->_lang][$this->category][$singular]) || ($plurals)
163 && ($trans = $this->_domains[$domain][$this->_lang][$this->category][$plural])) {
164 if (is_array($trans)) {
165 if (isset($trans[$plurals])) {
166 $trans = $trans[$plurals];
167 }
168 }
169 if (strlen($trans)) {
170 return $trans;
171 }
172 }
173 }
175 if (!empty($plurals)) {
176 return $plural;
177 }
178 return $singular;
179 }
181 /**
182 * Clears the domains internal data array. Useful for testing i18n.
183 *
184 * @return void
185 */
186 public function clear() {
187 $this->_domains = array();
188 }
190 /**
191 * Attempts to find the plural form of a string.
192 *
193 * @param string $header Type
194 * @param integrer $n Number
195 * @return integer plural match
196 * @access private
197 */
198 protected function _pluralGuess($header, $n) {
199 if (!is_string($header) || $header === "nplurals=1;plural=0;" || !isset($header[0])) {
200 return 0;
201 }
203 if ($header === "nplurals=2;plural=n!=1;") {
204 return $n != 1 ? 1 : 0;
205 } elseif ($header === "nplurals=2;plural=n>1;") {
206 return $n > 1 ? 1 : 0;
207 }
209 if (strpos($header, "plurals=3")) {
210 if (strpos($header, "100!=11")) {
211 if (strpos($header, "10<=4")) {
212 return $n % 10 == 1 && $n % 100 != 11 ? 0 : ($n % 10 >= 2 && $n % 10 <= 4
213 && ($n % 100 < 10 || $n % 100 >= 20) ? 1 : 2);
214 } elseif (strpos($header, "100<10")) {
215 return $n % 10 == 1 && $n % 100 != 11 ? 0 : ($n % 10 >= 2
216 && ($n % 100 < 10 || $n % 100 >= 20) ? 1 : 2);
217 }
218 return $n % 10 == 1 && $n % 100 != 11 ? 0 : ($n != 0 ? 1 : 2);
219 } elseif (strpos($header, "n==2")) {
220 return $n == 1 ? 0 : ($n == 2 ? 1 : 2);
221 } elseif (strpos($header, "n==0")) {
222 return $n == 1 ? 0 : ($n == 0 || ($n % 100 > 0 && $n % 100 < 20) ? 1 : 2);
223 } elseif (strpos($header, "n>=2")) {
224 return $n == 1 ? 0 : ($n >= 2 && $n <= 4 ? 1 : 2);
225 } elseif (strpos($header, "10>=2")) {
226 return $n == 1 ? 0 : ($n % 10 >= 2 && $n % 10 <= 4 && ($n % 100 < 10 || $n % 100 >= 20) ? 1 : 2);
227 }
228 return $n % 10 == 1 ? 0 : ($n % 10 == 2 ? 1 : 2);
229 } elseif (strpos($header, "plurals=4")) {
230 if (strpos($header, "100==2")) {
231 return $n % 100 == 1 ? 0 : ($n % 100 == 2 ? 1 : ($n % 100 == 3 || $n % 100 == 4 ? 2 : 3));
232 } elseif (strpos($header, "n>=3")) {
233 return $n == 1 ? 0 : ($n == 2 ? 1 : ($n == 0 || ($n >= 3 && $n <= 10) ? 2 : 3));
234 } elseif (strpos($header, "100>=1")) {
235 return $n == 1 ? 0 : ($n == 0 || ($n % 100 >= 1 && $n % 100 <= 10) ? 1 : ($n % 100 >= 11
236 && $n % 100 <= 20 ? 2 :
237 }
238 } elseif (strpos($header, "plurals=5")) {
239 return $n == 1 ? 0 : ($n == 2 ? 1 : ($n >= 3 && $n <= 6 ? 2 : ($n >= 7 && $n <= 10 ? 3 : 4)));
240 }
241 }
243 /**
244 * Binds the given domain to a file in the specified directory.
245 *
246 * @param string $domain Domain to bind
247 * @return string Domain binded
248 * @access private
249 */
250 protected function _bindTextDomain($domain) {
251 $this->_noLocale = true;
252 $core = true;
253 $merge = array();
255 foreach ($this->searchPaths as $directory) {
256 foreach ($this->l10n->languagePath as $lang) {
257 $file = $directory . $lang . config::DS . $this->category . config::DS . $domain;
258 $localeDef = $directory . $lang . config::DS . $this->category;
260 if ($core) {
261 $app = $directory . $lang . config::DS . $this->category . config::DS . 'core';
263 if (file_exists($fn = "$app.mo")) {
264 $this->_loadMo($fn, $domain);
265 $this->_noLocale = false;
266 $merge[$domain][$this->_lang][$this->category] =
267 $core = null;
268 } elseif (file_exists($fn = "$app.po") && ($f = fopen($fn, "r"))) {
269 $this->_loadPo($f, $domain);
270 $this->_noLocale = false;
271 $merge[$domain][$this->_lang][$this->category] =
272 $core = null;
273 }
274 }
276 if (file_exists($fn = "$file.mo")) {
277 $this->_loadMo($fn, $domain);
278 $this->_noLocale = false;
279 break 2;
280 } elseif (file_exists($fn = "$file.po") && ($f = fopen($fn, "r"))) {
281 $this->_loadPo($f, $domain);
282 $this->_noLocale = false;
283 break 2;
284 } elseif (is_file($localeDef) && ($f = fopen($localeDef, "r"))) {
285 $this->_loadLocaleDefinition($f, $domain);
286 $this->_noLocale = false;
287 return $domain;
288 }
289 }
290 }
292 if (empty($this->_domains[$domain][$this->_lang][$this->category])) {
293 $this->_domains[$domain][$this->_lang][$this->category] = array();
294 return $domain;
295 }
297 if ($head = $this->_domains[$domain][$this->_lang][$this->category][""]) {
298 foreach (explode("\n", $head) as $line) {
299 $header = strtok($line,":");
300 $line = trim(strtok("\n"));
301 $this->_domains[$domain][$this->_lang][$this->category]["%po-header"][strtolower($header)] =
302 }
304 if (isset($this->_domains[$domain][$this->_lang][$this->category]["%po-header"]["plural-forms"])) {
305 $switch = $this->_domains[$domain][$this->_lang][$this->category]["%po-header"]["plural-forms"];
306 $switch = preg_replace("/(?:[() {}\\[\\]^\\s*\\]]+)/", "", $switch);
307 $this->_domains[$domain][$this->_lang][$this->category]["%plural-c"] = $switch;
308 unset($this->_domains[$domain][$this->_lang][$this->category]["%po-header"]);
309 }
310 $this->_domains = $this->_pushDiff($this->_domains, $merge);
312 if (isset($this->_domains[$domain][$this->_lang][$this->category][null])) {
313 unset($this->_domains[$domain][$this->_lang][$this->category][null]);
314 }
315 }
316 return $domain;
317 }
319 /**
320 * Pushes the differences in $array2 onto the end of $array
321 *
322 * @param mixed $array Original array
323 * @param mixed $array2 Differences to push
324 * @return array Combined array
325 * @access private
326 */
327 protected function _pushDiff($array, $array2) {
328 if (empty($array) && !empty($array2)) {
329 return $array2;
330 }
331 if (!empty($array) && !empty($array2)) {
332 foreach ($array2 as $key => $value) {
333 if (!array_key_exists($key, $array)) {
334 $array[$key] = $value;
335 } else {
336 if (is_array($value)) {
337 $array[$key] = $this->_pushDiff($array[$key], $array2[$key]);
338 }
339 }
340 }
341 }
342 return $array;
343 }
345 /**
346 * Loads the binary .mo file for translation and sets the values for this translation in the var
347 *
348 * @param resource $file Binary .mo file to load
349 * @param string $domain Domain where to load file in
350 * @access private
351 */
352 protected function _loadMo($file, $domain) {
353 $data = file_get_contents($file);
355 if ($data) {
356 $header = substr($data, 0, 20);
357 $header = unpack("L1magic/L1version/L1count/L1o_msg/L1o_trn", $header);
358 extract($header);
360 if ((dechex($magic) == '950412de' || dechex($magic) == 'ffffffff950412de') && $version == 0) {
361 for ($n = 0; $n < $count; $n++) {
362 $r = unpack("L1len/L1offs", substr($data, $o_msg + $n * 8, 8));
363 $msgid = substr($data, $r["offs"], $r["len"]);
364 unset($msgid_plural);
366 if (strpos($msgid, "\000")) {
367 list($msgid, $msgid_plural) = explode("\000", $msgid);
368 }
369 $r = unpack("L1len/L1offs", substr($data, $o_trn + $n * 8, 8));
370 $msgstr = substr($data, $r["offs"], $r["len"]);
372 if (strpos($msgstr, "\000")) {
373 $msgstr = explode("\000", $msgstr);
374 }
375 $this->_domains[$domain][$this->_lang][$this->category][$msgid] = $msgstr;
377 if (isset($msgid_plural)) {
378 $this->_domains[$domain][$this->_lang][$this->category][$msgid_plural] =&
379 }
380 }
381 }
382 }
383 }
385 /**
386 * Loads the text .po file for translation and sets the values for this translation in the var I18n::_domains
387 *
388 * @param resource $file Text .po file to load
389 * @param string $domain Domain to load file in
390 * @return array Binded domain elements
391 * @access private
392 */
393 protected function _loadPo($file, $domain) {
394 $type = 0;
395 $translations = array();
396 $translationKey = "";
397 $plural = 0;
398 $header = "";
400 do {
401 $line = trim(fgets($file));
402 if ($line == "" || $line[0] == "#") {
403 continue;
404 }
405 if (preg_match("/msgid[[:space:]]+\"(.+)\"$/i", $line, $regs)) {
406 $type = 1;
407 $translationKey = stripcslashes($regs[1]);
408 } elseif (preg_match("/msgid[[:space:]]+\"\"$/i", $line, $regs)) {
409 $type = 2;
410 $translationKey = "";
411 } elseif (preg_match("/^\"(.*)\"$/i", $line, $regs) && ($type == 1 || $type == 2 || $type == 3)) {
412 $type = 3;
413 $translationKey .= stripcslashes($regs[1]);
414 } elseif (preg_match("/msgstr[[:space:]]+\"(.+)\"$/i", $line, $regs)
415 && ($type == 1 || $type == 3) && $translationKey) {
416 $translations[$translationKey] = stripcslashes($regs[1]);
417 $type = 4;
418 } elseif (preg_match("/msgstr[[:space:]]+\"\"$/i", $line, $regs)
419 && ($type == 1 || $type == 3) && $translationKey) {
420 $type = 4;
421 $translations[$translationKey] = "";
422 } elseif (preg_match("/^\"(.*)\"$/i", $line, $regs) && $type == 4 && $translationKey) {
423 $translations[$translationKey] .= stripcslashes($regs[1]);
424 } elseif (preg_match("/msgid_plural[[:space:]]+\".*\"$/i", $line, $regs)) {
425 $type = 6;
426 } elseif (preg_match("/^\"(.*)\"$/i", $line, $regs) && $type == 6 && $translationKey) {
427 $type = 6;
428 } elseif (preg_match("/msgstr\[(\d+)\][[:space:]]+\"(.+)\"$/i", $line, $regs)
429 && ($type == 6 || $type == 7) && $translationKey) {
430 $plural = $regs[1];
431 $translations[$translationKey][$plural] = stripcslashes($regs[2]);
432 $type = 7;
433 } elseif (preg_match("/msgstr\[(\d+)\][[:space:]]+\"\"$/i", $line, $regs)
434 && ($type == 6 || $type == 7) && $translationKey) {
435 $plural = $regs[1];
436 $translations[$translationKey][$plural] = "";
437 $type = 7;
438 } elseif (preg_match("/^\"(.*)\"$/i", $line, $regs) && $type == 7 && $translationKey) {
439 $translations[$translationKey][$plural] .= stripcslashes($regs[1]);
440 } elseif (preg_match("/msgstr[[:space:]]+\"(.+)\"$/i", $line, $regs) && $type == 2 &&
!$translationKey) {
441 $header .= stripcslashes($regs[1]);
442 $type = 5;
443 } elseif (preg_match("/msgstr[[:space:]]+\"\"$/i", $line, $regs) && !$translationKey) {
444 $header = "";
445 $type = 5;
446 } elseif (preg_match("/^\"(.*)\"$/i", $line, $regs) && $type == 5) {
447 $header .= stripcslashes($regs[1]);
448 } else {
449 unset($translations[$translationKey]);
450 $type = 0;
451 $translationKey = "";
452 $plural = 0;
453 }
454 } while (!feof($file));
455 fclose($file);
456 $merge[""] = $header;
457 return $this->_domains[$domain][$this->_lang][$this->category] = array_merge($merge, $translations);
458 }
460 /**
461 * Parses a locale definition file following the POSIX standard
462 *
463 * @param resource $file file handler
464 * @param string $domain Domain where locale definitions will be stored
465 * @return void
466 * @access private
467 */
468 protected function _loadLocaleDefinition($file, $domain = null) {
469 $comment = '#';
470 $escape = '\\';
471 $currentToken = false;
472 $value = '';
473 while ($line = fgets($file)) {
474 $line = trim($line);
475 if (empty($line) || $line[0] === $comment) {
476 continue;
477 }
478 $parts = preg_split("/[[:space:]]+/",$line);
479 if ($parts[0] === 'comment_char') {
480 $comment = $parts[1];
481 continue;
482 }
483 if ($parts[0] === 'escape_char') {
484 $escape = $parts[1];
485 continue;
486 }
487 $count = count($parts);
488 if ($count == 2) {
489 $currentToken = $parts[0];
490 $value = $parts[1];
491 } elseif ($count == 1) {
492 $value .= $parts[0];
493 } else {
494 continue;
495 }
497 $len = strlen($value) - 1;
498 if ($value[$len] === $escape) {
499 $value = substr($value, 0, $len);
500 continue;
501 }
503 $mustEscape = array($escape . ',' , $escape . ';', $escape . '<', $escape . '>', $escape . $escape);
504 $replacements = array_map('crc32', $mustEscape);
505 $value = str_replace($mustEscape, $replacements, $value);
506 $value = explode(';', $value);
507 $this->_escape = $escape;
508 foreach ($value as $i => $val) {
509 $val = trim($val, '"');
510 $val = preg_replace_callback('/(?:<)?(.[^>]*)(?:>)?/', array(&$this, '_parseLiteralValue'),
511 $val = str_replace($replacements, $mustEscape, $val);
512 $value[$i] = $val;
513 }
514 if (count($value) == 1) {
515 $this->_domains[$domain][$this->_lang][$this->category][$currentToken] = array_pop($value);
516 } else {
517 $this->_domains[$domain][$this->_lang][$this->category][$currentToken] = $value;
518 }
519 }
520 }
522 /**
523 * Auxiliary function to parse a symbol from a locale definition file
524 *
525 * @param string $string Symbol to be parsed
526 * @return string parsed symbol
527 * @access private
528 */
529 protected function _parseLiteralValue($string) {
530 $string = $string[1];
531 if (substr($string, 0, 2) === $this->_escape . 'x') {
532 $delimiter = $this->_escape . 'x';
533 return join('', array_map('chr', array_map('hexdec', array_filter(explode($delimiter, $string)))));
534 }
535 if (substr($string, 0, 2) === $this->_escape . 'd') {
536 $delimiter = $this->_escape . 'd';
537 return join('', array_map('chr', array_filter(explode($delimiter, $string))));
538 }
539 if ($string[0] === $this->_escape && isset($string[1]) && is_numeric($string[1])) {
540 $delimiter = $this->_escape;
541 return join('', array_map('chr', array_filter(explode($delimiter, $string))));
542 }
543 if (substr($string, 0, 3) === 'U00') {
544 $delimiter = 'U00';
545 return join('', array_map('chr', array_map('hexdec', array_filter(explode($delimiter, $string)))));
546 }
547 if (preg_match('/U([0-9a-fA-F]{4})/', $string, $match)) {
548 return $this->_ascii(array(hexdec($match[1])));
549 }
550 return $string;
551 }
553 /**
554 * Converts the decimal value of a multibyte character string
555 * to a string
556 *
557 * @param array $array
558 * @return string
559 * @access private
560 */
561 protected function _ascii($array) {
562 $ascii = '';
564 foreach ($array as $utf8) {
565 if ($utf8 < 128) {
566 $ascii .= chr($utf8);
567 } elseif ($utf8 < 2048) {
568 $ascii .= chr(192 + (($utf8 - ($utf8 % 64)) / 64));
569 $ascii .= chr(128 + ($utf8 % 64));
570 } else {
571 $ascii .= chr(224 + (($utf8 - ($utf8 % 4096)) / 4096));
572 $ascii .= chr(128 + ((($utf8 % 4096) - ($utf8 % 64)) / 64));
573 $ascii .= chr(128 + ($utf8 % 64));
574 }
575 }
576 return $ascii;
577 }
579 /**
580 * Returns a Time format definition from corresponding domain
581 *
582 * @param string $format Format to be translated
583 * @param string $domain Domain where format is stored
584 * @return mixed translated format string if only value or array of translated strings for corresponding
585 * @access private
586 */
587 protected function _translateTime($format, $domain) {
588 if (!empty($this->_domains[$domain][$this->_lang]['LC_TIME'][$format])) {
589 if (($trans = $this->_domains[$domain][$this->_lang][$this->category][$format])) {
590 return $trans;
591 }
592 }
593 return $format;
594 }
595 }